Prayer of Welcome
How do I open my hands in a prayer of welcome?
And lay aside what is too lofty for me?
Could I take account of all the me’s that need Your care?
Could we all sit down to tea?
Welcome 3 year old who is scared and doesn't know why.
Welcome 12 year old, working so hard to say the right thing.
Welcome pleaser. Welcome fixer. Welcome analyzer.
Welcome problem-namer, who has no power.
Welcome insecure one, who appears not so.
Welcome past regretter, and future catastrophizer.
Welcome scroller, candy crush lover, and excess cookie eater.
Welcome griever, welcome hider, welcome self-protector.
Could all of us come to Him together?
Jesus, could you make me a cup to warm me to the tips of my toes?
Would You fill it with Your very Life and pour it inside, every last drop?
Oh, and please, would you let the cup of death pass from me?
But I suppose, maybe, not the one I'm meant to drink.
The resurrecting one, where there is joy anyway.
Don't spare me from that one.